TMU is one of the first eight pilot medical universities approved by the government for 8 years medical education and is among the first 15 pilot institutions to offer the seven-year medical program.Currently the university has 17 schools, 3 teaching departments and 1 independent school with 229 PhD supervisors and 751 Master’s student supervisors There are 6 post-doctoral research stations, 7 Class A and 41 Class B disciplines offering doctoral degree programs; 11 Class A and 73 Class B disciplines offering master’s degree programs. In 2002 and 2008, the university successfully passed the assessments by the Ministry of Education for undergraduate and seven-year programs of higher medical education with excellent appraisal

Tianjin Medical University’s predecessor was Tianjin Medical College which was established in 1951. It was the first medical institution approved by the State Council after the founding of The People’s Republic of China. The first president of the university was Professor Xianyi Zhu, a renowned endocrinologist and medical educationist. In 1993 Tianjin Medical College and Tianjin Second Medical College were merged to form Tianjin Medical University, one of the national “211 Project” key universities in China. Currently, Professor Yongfeng Shang, a famous biochemist & molecular biologist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is holding the post of the president of university.The university aims to develop into a preeminent research and education institution with medical science as the core and life science as the main support to develop the university into a multi-disciplinary medical university.The university staff is comprised of a large group of distinguished professors and scholars from home and abroad. There are 8683 teaching and administrative staff, including 8161 professionals. Among these professionals are 563 professors and 987 associate professors, of which there are an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, two academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, nine “Yangtze Scholar” visiting and special appointed professors, four “ National Thousand Talent Plan” professors, four winners of National Outstanding Young Scientist Foundation”, four candidates of National Million and Ten Million Talent Project in New Century of Ministry of Personnel, 14 Excellent Talent of New Century of Ministry of Education, 11 young and Middle aged Experts who have made outstanding contributions appointed by the Ministries of Personnel and Health, 164 experts who enjoy the Special allowance of State Council, 229 Supervisors of Ph.D Programs and 737 Supervisors of Master’s Degree Programs.Tianjin Medical University MBBS


here are 10 key construction subjects of the national “211 project”: clinical discipline of integration of Chinese medicine and western medicine, oncology, urological surgery, neurosurgery & neurology, endocrinology & metabolic diseases, imaging & nuclear medicine, pathogenic biology & immunology, pathology & path physiology, public health & preventive medicine and pharmacy. The university also has 14 key provincial and ministerial laboratories subjects. Since“ The Tenth Five-Year Plan, the university has undertaken 2501 scientific research projects from national, ministerial and provincial levels. It won 265 science and technology awards at provincial and ministerial levels or above, out of which are 5 national awards, 15 first provincial and ministerial prizes and 85 second prizes.